26. september 2018 Holiday Inn, Žilina
The publication PETIT PRESS and M KREO is organizing an international conference TRANSPORT 2018, which will be held on Wednesday 26 September in Žilina. THE Route to the FUTURE defines the main theme that will resonate throughout the conference.
Addressing the conference will be a number of specially invited speakers from the academic community, along with experts, practitioners and visionaries.
In panel discussions, they will discuss the current trends and developments in road, air, public passenger and rail. The subject of smart cities and the ramifications for the transport sector will also be dealt with. The multi-level program will be held concurrently in two conference halls, and a full accompanying program has also been prepared.
The event is organised under the auspices of Arpard Ersek (Minster of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic). Erika Jurinova (President of Zilina Self-Governing Region), Igor Choma (Mayor of Zilina), and Jozef Janacka (Rector, University of Zilina).
Tickets for the event can be purchased from the Ticketportal network.
Held under the auspices of,
- Árpád Érsek, Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.
- Erika Jurinova, President of Žilina Self-governing Region
- Igor Choma, Mayor of Žilina,
- Jozef Jandacka Rector, University of Žilina.
The publisher PETIT PRESS and agency M KREO are organizing the international conference TRANSPORT 2018, which will be held on Wednesday 26 September in Žilina.
Where are we now, and what are the priorities for the near future ? Resources are limited, but what are the other funding possibilities ? Do we have too many or too few communication administrators ? Are the preparations for road construction being underestimated or vice-versa ? Do you see the future in road tolls ? Answers to these and many other questions will be answered in the first discussion panel on present and future road infrastructure.
PALCAK Lubomir : General Manager and Chairman of the board, The Transport Research Institute.
- DUDAS Ladislav – Vice Chairman Of The Board, Investment director at National Motorway Company.
- CHOMA Igor – Mayor of Zilina.
- JANCKULIK Igor – vice-president of the Zilina Self-Governing Region.
- KOVACIK Pavol – President of the Union of Construction Entrepreneurs of Slovakia.
- ZEMBERA Roman – Director General, Slovak Road Administration.
In which direction is our national rail transport system heading ?
What is the current state, maintenance and modernization of the railway infrastructure in the country, as we are reminded that this year is the 170th anniversary of the railway. Before long the Eurofunds will cease. Will we have the financial means to modernize without them? Rail travel is considered to be the most environmentally friendly form of transport. What steps are we taking to shift the bulk of freight to rail? Also, transport corridors and other related topics will be discussed by this panel.
MAJERCAK Jozef - Head of Department of Railway Transport, University of Zilina
- ERDOSSY Martin – Director General and Chairman of the Board, Railways of the Slovak Republic.
- HLUBOCKY Filip – Director General and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Slovak Railways.
- VOZAR Martin – General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors at ZSSK Cargo Slovakia.
- ZABOVSKY Michal – CEO at University of Zilina, University Science Park. Current Trends and their Development in Passenger Air Transport
Current trends and their development in passenger air transport
Have you heard yet about small, regional air transport at affordable prices? Aerotaxi versus Aeromobil – a possibility in the near future, or a distant dream? Is it possible to grasp the future possibilities, or will we simply remain a sparkling jewel on the Danube? You will learn about smart solutions and new, innovative visions from a truly world-class panel.
BARTOS Miroslav - Senior ATM Advisor.
- KAZDA Antonin – Professor Emeritus, Air Transport Department, University of Zilina.
- PEKAR Vladimír - aviation engineer, heads the production of ultra-light Shark aircraft
- PRIMUS Rastislav – Head of ATM Planning and Proceedures Department, Air Navigation Services.
Innovations in Transport – both Globally and in Slovakia
Not only applications, but also the latest in transport systems and solutions, will be described in depth by Slovak and internationally renowned speakers. Hear, not only. about the new plans about to be launched in the near future to the public, but also about the results of interesting studies by the Innovations in Transport Panel both worldwide and in Slovakia.
KOŠUDA Marek - graduate of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- BLAAS Peter – Business Development Director, Antik Telecom, Slovakia.
- KASALA Lubos - Founder of Zelena Vlna RTVS (Radio and television of Slovakia).
- KOVACIKOVA Tatiana - ERA Chair Holder for Intelligent Transport Systems
- PORUBCAN Stefan – Community Coordinator Waze Slovakia, Slovakia.
- POURHASHEM Ghadir – Senior Researcher in Intelligent Transport Systems, Irán
- UDEN Lorna – Professor emeritus. Staffordshire University, UK.
A Vision of Public Passenger transport in the Future in Slovakia and Worldwide
Integrated public passenger transport, new applications and various information technologies. What can be done to stop the decline in using public transport? Has the time arrived for an integrated public passenger transport system to be introduced as a counterweight to the individual car? What are the requirements for the new information technologies? Will public passenger transport be able to respond to the demands and multiplicity of different groups of travellers so that it will be attractive to them?
GOGOLA Marian - Associate professor, University of Zilina.
- HLAVATÝ Bohuš - CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors Tatry mountain resorts, a.s.
- POPLUHÁR Juraj - CEO SAD Trenčín
- SADOVSKY Peter – President of Slovak Bus Transport Association.
- STEJSKAL Ales – Coordinator ODIS, s,r,o, Czech republic.
- VALKY Peter - Director of Transport Integration, Transport Department of Bratislava Integrated Transport.
Alternatives in transportation
Štefan Klein will present a new vision of the flying car named Aircar, describe its concept and technical solutions. He will also present works of his Transportdizajn studio at the University of Fine Arts resulting from Audi and Volkswagen research projects.
KIZEK Jaroslav - copywriter, M KREO agency
- KLEIN Štefan - inventor of the aero-mobile and author of the idea of flying a car.
Strategy and Development of Regional Infrastructure
Discussion not only about integration of regional transport, but also about harmonization of transport flows in railway and public transportation. What happens if we do not really invest in road and bridge maintenance? In what condition are the roads and bridges in Slovakia, but especially in the Žilina self-governing region? The development of the main infrastructure in the region from the point of view of the business sector, as well as the possibilities of financing from the Eurofonds will be the topic of this panel.
ČELKO Ján - Professor at the Department of Highway engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Žilina, vice-chairman of Slovak Road Society
- KUBÁČEK Jíři - transport analyst
- LIŠKA Pavol - general manager, Administration of Roads of Žilina - Self Governing Region
- MIŠURA Ján – director of Žilina Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- MITOŠINKA Marek – director general, Section of Regional Development Programmes, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Develompment, Slovakia
How much money do we need yet to finish highways and railways?
What is the current state of EU funds drawing and what are the plans until 2020 in Slovakia? How do our deputies see Luxembourg experts and what are their plans for transport infrastructure? What awaits us in the new programming period? What is the view of practitioners who have been involved not only in the development of operational programs, but also in feasibility studies?
MODRANSKÝ MAREK – Honorary Vice-president of Executive Board and Policy Board, UITP
- DI VOLO Neri – Rail and Public Passenger Transport Expert - JASPERS, Austria
- DUUS Kristian – Road Transport Expert - JASPERS, Austria
- LUŽICA Ivan – Managment Advisor Radvise Group
- MÉRY Juraj – Director General of the Project Management Division, Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
Tickets for the event can be purchased from the Ticketportal network.